One Another: Open Call

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One Another will explore collaborative structures to support difficult conversations among people of different cultural backgrounds.

Between May-September 2019, a group, guided by artist and mediator Dorit Cypis, will research and dialogue to uncover key resonant elements of identity, difference and conflict illuminating the question “who are we to one another?”

NAVEL and Dorit Cypis invite 12 individuals from Los Angeles communities to commit to meet 11 times over 7 months for research, dialogue design, training and assessment — progressing through several rounds of rigorous collective inquiry and self-examination.

The group will design a Facilitated Dialogue for larger public interaction on this critical topic and will be trained as dialogue facilitators for this public event, which will be hosted at Navel in October 2019.

Meals will be provided and cluster groups will receive a small production budget.

Open Call

Interested in participating in this collaborative research program? Apply here

For more information:
One Another program page
Program booklet available here
Watch the video documentation from One Another: Identity, Difference + Conflict event on April 17, 2019 here

Have questions? Get in touch with

The selected participants will be notified on Friday, May 3, 2019.

One Another Group Image (One Another)

Dorit Cypis, Israeli, Canadian, American, has explored themes of history, identity, and social relations as an artist, educator and social activator since the 1980s. Her work, poetic, formal, body full and political, traverses performance, photography, immersive media installation and social practice. The civic community programs she has created include Kulture Klub Collaborative, initiated in 1992, for artists and home-less youth to bridge survival and inspiration. She has written on identity and social relations for books and journals and has designed curriculum for colleges and universities. Her current artwork, Close Your Eyes If You Want to See, transposes a proverb on human relations to visual braille then interpreted by musicians as musical score to transform seeing to listening. Peoples Lab is her initiative to build creative leadership for social change.

Images by Nina R Salerno